
Keselamatan Pelayaran dan Perlindungan Lingkungan maritim di Selat Malaka dan Selat Singapura

Category: editorial September 30, 2019. Credit: SUHERDJOKO


DISCUSSING INTERESTS IN THE MALAKA STRAIT - Indonesia, together with Malaysia and Singapore as three coastal countries, met again to discuss the issue of shipping safety and maritime environmental protection in the Malacca Strait and the Singapore Strait, Monday (9/30/2019) at the Cooperation Forum Meeting (Monday CF) 12th at the Hotel PO, Semarang, Central Java. The event was attended by leaders from several countries such as from the left: Agus H. Purnomo (Director General of Sea Transportation, Indonesia), Dato Hj. Baharin Bin Dato Abdul Hamid (Director General of the Malaysian Marine Department), Indonesian Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, and Quah Ley Hoon (Chief Executive of MPA Singapore). -JP / Suherdjoko / Adi / 19


MEMBAHAS KEPENTINGAN BERSAMA DI SELAT MALAKA - Indonesia bersama dengan Malaysia dan Singapura selaku tiga negara pantai, kembali bertemu untuk membahas isu tentang keselamatan pelayaran dan perlindungan lingkungan maritim di Selat Malaka dan Selat Singapura, Senin (30/9/2019) pada Pertemuan Cooperation Forum (CF) ke-12 yang dihelat di Hotel PO, Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Acara itu dihadiri para tokoh dari beberapa negara seperti dari kiri: Agus H. Purnomo (Director General of Sea Transportation, Indonesia), Dato Hj. Baharin Bin Dato Abdul Hamid (Director General of Marine Department Malaysia), Menteri Perhubungan RI Budi Karya Sumadi, Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo, dan Quah Ley Hoon(Chief Executive of MPA Singapore). -JP/Suherdjoko/Adi/19


