
File: HIV/Aids

Category: editorial November 19, 2019. Credit:


Two commercial sex workers in one of the guesthouses in Moroseneng prostitution in the Sumemi area of Surabaya were chatting with their colleagues before being sent home with a working capital provision of Rp. 5 million to Rp. 10 million by the Surabaya City Government, Wednesday (08/22). After successfully closing a number of prostitution areas, including repatriating commercial sex workers to areas that were first given venture capital of Rp 5 million to Rp 10 million in Surabaya such as the Bangunsari area, the Surabaya City government continued to close other localization including Dolly, the largest prostitution in the Asian region Southeast. - JP / Indra Harsaputra / Adi / 19


Dua orang pekerja seks komersial di salah satu wisma di prostitusi Moroseneng di kawasan Sumemi Surabaya sedang berbincang dengan rekannya sebelum dipulangkan dengan diberikan bekal modal usaha sebesar Rp 5 juta hingga Rp 10 juta oleh Pemerintah Kota Surabaya, Rabu (22/08). Setelah berhasil menutup beberapa kawasan prostitusi, termasuk memulangkan pekerja seks komersial ke daerah yang terlebih dahulu diberikan modal usaha sebesar Rp 5 juta hingga Rp 10 juta di Surabaya seperti kawasan Bangunsari, pemerintah Kota Surabaya terus melakukan penutupan lokalisasi lainya termasuk Dolly, prostitusi terbesar di kawasan Asia Tenggara. - JP/Indra Harsaputra/Adi/19


