
File: Petani Gula

Category: editorial November 19, 2019. Credit: Nurhayati


Several people who are members of the Indonesian People's Sugar Cane Farmers Association (APTRI) held a demonstration protesting the Government's policy on the problem of sugar refinement which is not in favor of farmers and the National sugar industry at the Ministry of Trade, Jakarta, Tuesday (17/09). In the action, one of their demands is the circulation of refined sugar in the market to be stopped, and the use of idle land owned by the Government to be collaborated with sugarcane. JP / Nurhayati / Adi / 19


Beberapa orang yang tergabung dalam Asosiasi Petani Tebu Rakyat Indonesia (APTRI) melakukan aksi demonstrasi memprotes kebijakan Pemerintah tentang masalah per-gula-an yang tidak berpihak ke petani dan industri gula Nasional di Kementerian Perdagangan, Jakarta, Selasa (17/09). Dalam aksi tersebut salah satu tuntutan mereka yaitu peredaran gula rafinasi di pasar agar dihentikan, dan pemanfaatan lahan tidur milik Pemerintah agar dikerjasamakan untuk tanaman tebu.-JP/Nurhayati/Adi/19


