Kenaikan Permintaan Shuttlecock
Category: editorial December 04, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Workers process handmade shuttlecock manufacturing to be marketed to Jakarta, Surabaya, Makassar and Bontang at the Shuttlecock business center in lesanpuro village, Malang city, East Java, Wednesday (12/12/2019). The craftsman has been boosting production from 5,000 slop to 6 thousand slop per month (1 slop with 12 pieces) with selling prices starting from Rp 25 thousand - Rp 75 thousand per slop, the impact of routine national and international level display of Badminton on Television this year. - JP / Aman Rochman / Adi / 19
Pekerja memproses pembuatan shuttlecock secara handmade untukdipasarkan ke Jakarta, Surabaya, Makasar dan kota Bontang di sentra Usaha shuttlecock di kelurahan lesanpuro, kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Rabu (4/12/2019). Perajin tersebut terdongkrak produksinya dari 5 ribu slop menjadi 6 ribu slop per bulan (1 slop isi 12 buah) dengan harga jual mulai Rp 25 ribu - Rp 75 ribu per slop dampak dari rutinnya penayangan pertandingan Badminton level nasional dan international di Televisi setahun ini. - JP/ Aman Rochman/Adi/19