
Alat Bantu Low Vision

Category: editorial January 14, 2020. Credit: Arya Dipa


Aulia Rahmatika, a Biomedical Study Program student at the Bandung Institute of Technology, demonstrated the standing visor function of her colleague, Khairul Zeta Leni, on a mobile phone with an enlarged text on the sidelines of the launch of the Low Vision Center at the Syamsi Dhuha Foundation secretariat, Bandung, Friday (22/4). Visual aids for low vision are still a problem for people with low vision because they are still imported from China and India. Through the Low Vision Center, Syamsi Dhuha Foundation helps research students who create, develop, or modify these various tools. - JP / Arya Dipa / vja / 20


Aulia Rahmatika, mahasiswa program studi Biomedika Institut Teknologi Bandung memperlihatkan fungsi standing visor karya rekannya, Khairul Zeta Leni pada handphone beraplikasi pembesaran tulisan di sela-sela peluncuran Low Vision Centre di sekretariat Syamsi Dhuha Foundation, Bandung, Jumat (22/4). Alat bantu penglihatan bagi low vision saat ini masih menjadi kendala bags orang dengan low vision karena masih diimpor dari China dan India. Melalui Low Vision Centre, Syamsi Dhuha Foundation membantu penelitian mahasiswa yang membuat, mengembangkan, atau memodifikasi berbagai alat bantu tersebut. - JP/Arya Dipa/vja/20


