Sosialisasi Masker Cegah Coronavirus Medan
Category: editorial March 10, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Medan Police Traffic Police Officers were putting a mask on the face of a resident who passed on Jalan Putri Hijau Medan, Tuesday (10/3). The distribution of these masks was carried out by the police amid the difficulty of residents finding masks after the outbreak of the corono virus. - JP / Apriadi Gunawan / vja / 20
Petugas Satlantas Polrestabes Medan sedang memasangkan masker ke wajah seorang warga yang melintas di Jalan Putri Hijau Medan, Selasa (10/3). Pembagian masker ini dilakukan polisi ditengah sulitnya warga menemukan masker pasca merebaknya wabah virus corono. - JP/Apriadi Gunawan/vja/20