Aktivitas Puskesmas
Category: editorial June 03, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
People who will check health at the Citeureup Health Center, Bogor Regency - West Java (Wednesday, June 3, 2020) follow the applicable protocol, which is to maintain distance and wear a mask when in the Puskesmas room. The Citeureup Community Health Center said that in the past week many people who examined their health were different from the previous situation, only a small number of people examined their health. - JP / P.J.Leo / leo / 20
Masyarakat yang akan memeriksa kesehatan di Puskesmas Citeureup, Kabupaten Bogor - Jawa Barat (Rabu, 3 Juni 2020) mengikuti protokol yang berlaku yaitu menjaga jarak dan memakai masker saat berada di dalam ruangan Puskesmas. Pihak Puskesmas Citeureup mengatakan dalam sepekan terakhir ini masyarakat banyak yang memeriksa kesehatan mereka berbeda situasinya sebelumnya, hanya sedikit masyarakat yang memeriksa kesehatan. - JP/P.J.Leo/leo/20