Simulasi Pemungutan Suara Pilkada Serentak
Category: editorial July 22, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Members of Polling Station Working Committees (KPPS) spray disinfectant around voting booths before the simulation of voting in the 2020 simultaneous elections is started in the courtyard of the General Elections Commission Building (KPU), Jakarta, Wednesday, (22/7/2020). KPU held a voting simulation at the polling station (TPS) by applying the health protocol COVID-19. - JP/Dhoni Setiawan/vja/20
Anggota Kelompok Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara (KPPS) menyemprotkan disinfektan disekitar bilik suara sebelum mulai simulasi pemungutan suara dalam pemilihan serentak 2020 di halaman Gedung Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU), Jakarta, Rabu (22/7/2020). KPU menyelenggarakan simulasi pemungutan suara di TPS dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatanCovid-19. -JP/Dhoni Setiawan/vja/20