
Pameran InterCov-19

Category: editorial October 15, 2020. Credit: Seto Wardhana


Visitors to the art staff are exhibited at the InterCov-19 exhibition at the National Library, Jakarta, Thursday, October 15, 2020. More than 200 works of art including paintings, printmaking and sculpture, and digital photos will be exhibited in the exhibition which will be held starting Thursday 15 October 2020 to Tuesday 20 October 2020 as a form of National Library support to support artists' steps to revive themselves due to the impact of the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19). - JP / Seto Wardhana / vja / 20


pengunjung mengamati karya seni yang dipamerkan dalam pameran InterCov-19 di Perpustakaan Nasional, Jakarta, Kamis, 15 Oktober 2020.Sekitar 200 lebih karya seni meliputi hasil seni lukis, seni grafis, dan seni patung,dan foto digital dipamerkan dalam pameran yang digelar mulai Kamis 15 Oktober 2020 hingga Selasa 20 Oktober 2020 sebagai bentuk dukungan Perpusnas untuk mendukung langkah seniman agar kembali bangkit akibat kena dampak pandemi virus corona (Covid-19). - JP/Seto Wardhana/vja/20


