Virtual Launching Serta Perfect Sleeper
Category: editorial October 16, 2020. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
(left-right) Founder and Commissioner of PT Duta Abadi Primantara (DAP) Andreas Wiharja and Commissioner of PT DAP Hendry Setiawan during the virtual launching of the mattress collection as well as the Perfect Sleeper in Jakarta, Thursday (15/10/2020). DAP launched two collections of As well as Perfect Sleeper in the form of Alpine and Andean mattresses. - JP / Dhoni Setiawan / vja / 20
(kiri-kanan) Founder and Commissioner of PT Duta Abadi Primantara (DAP) Andreas Wiharja dan Commissioner of PT DAP Hendry Setiawan saat virtual launching koleksi matras Serta Perfect Sleeper di Jakarta, Kamis (15/10/2020). DAP meluncurkan dua koleksi Serta Perfect Sleeper berupa matras Alpine dan Andes. - JP/Dhoni Setiawan/vja/20