
File: Satuan Kerja Pusat Bank Indonesia (BI)

Category: editorial August 15, 2019. Credit:


The Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), Darmin Nasution (middle) after congratulating the Main History Researcher at the Special Museum of BI Museum to become the Head of the Bureau in the Secretariat Bureau, Poernomo (right) and the Deputy Director in the Bank Supervision Directorate 1 being the Director in the Bank Supervision Directorate 3, Heru Kristyana (left) during the Inauguration Ceremony of the Head of the BI Central Office Work Unit, at the BI Building, Jakarta, Monday (12/03). As many as 15 Central Office Work Unit Leaders are appointed, Darmin Nasution hopes the leader of the work unit is able to provide good management of Human Resources (HR), and perform their duties well in order to create good governance. -JP / Nurhayati / Adi / 19


Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI), Darmin Nasution (tengah) usai memberi ucapan selamat ke Peneliti Sejarah Utama di Unit Khusus Museum BI menjadi Kepala Biro di Biro Sekretariat, Poernomo (kanan) dan Deputi Direktur di Direktorat Pengawasan Bank 1 menjadi Direktur di Direktorat Pengawasan Bank 3, Heru Kristyana (kiri) pada saat Upacara Pelantikan Pemimpin Satuan Kerja Kantor Pusat BI, di Gedung BI, Jakarta, Senin (12/03). Sebanyak 15 orang Pemimpim Satuan Kerja Kantor Pusat dilantik, Darmin Nasution berharap pemimpin satuan kerja tersebut mampu memberikan pengelolaan pada Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) dengan baik, serta melakukan tugas dengan baik agar tercipta good governance. -JP/Nurhayati/Adi/19


