
Launching the "Into the Wild" Campaign, Under Armour Collaborates with Darbotz Introduce the Latest Running Clothing Collection

Category: editorial October 27, 2023. Credit:


(left-right) Indonesian mural artist Darbotz and Under Armour Indonesia Marketing Communications Assistant Manager Faldy Efadua with the moderator talking at the Under Armour x Darbotz Media Launch event, Jakarta, Friday, (27/10/2023). Under Armour's 'Into The Wild' launch campaign was inspired by the adventurous spirit of runners, as well as to encourage them to be able to go beyond their limits - like bringing out the monster within them. This is in line with the bold character of Darbotz's work, represented through the figure of a monster. Through the Under Armour x Darbotz Capsule Collection, it is hoped that runners will become more motivated and ready to face any challenge. (Courtesy of Under Armour Indonesia)


(kiri-kanan) Seniman mural Indonesia Darbotz dan Asistant Manager Marketing Communications Under Armour Indonesia Faldy Efadua bersama moderator sedang berbincang di acara Under Armour x Darbotz Media Launch, Jakarta, Jumat, (27/10/2023). Launch campaign ‘Into The Wild’ dari Under Armour ini terinspirasi dari semangat petualang para pelari, sekaligus untuk mendorong mereka agar mampu melampaui batasan - layaknya mengeluarkan sisi monster dari dalam diri mereka. Ini selaras dengan karakter karya Darbotz yang bold, direpresentasikan lewat sosok monster. Melalui Under Armour x Darbotz Capsule Collection, harapannya para pelari semakin termotivasi dan siap menghadapi tantangan apapun. (Courtesy of Under Armour Indonesia)


