
Penemuan Arca di Blitar

Category: editorial September 04, 2019. Credit: Asip Hasani


A number of journalists took photographs and videos of the observation process by an archaeologist team from the Trowulan Cultural Heritage Conservation Center (BPCB), East Java, at the location of the found structure of andesite bricks and stones which are thought to be the foundation of a temple in the rice field area in Gedog Village, Sananwetan District, City of Blitar, East Java, Wednesday (04/09/2019). BPCB suspects that at the location of the discovery there was a large ruined temple complex called Governor General of the Dutch East Indies Thomas Stamford Raffles in his book History of Java as Gedog Temple.-JP / Asip Hasani / Adi / 19


Sejumlah wartawan melakukan pengambilan foto dan video proses observasi oleh tim arkeolog dari Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya (BPCB) Trowulan, Jawa Timur, di lokasi ditemukannya struktur batu bata dan batu andesit yang diduga merupakan pondasi sebuah candi di area persawahan di Kelurahan Gedog, Kecamatan Sananwetan, Kota Blitar, Jawa Timur, Rabu (4/9/2019). BPCB menduga di lokasi temuan tersebut terdapat reruntuhan kompleks percandian yang cukup besar yang disebut Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda Thomas Stamford Raffles dalam bukunya History of Java sebagai Candi Gedog.-JP/Asip Hasani/Adi/19


