
File: Sungai Digul di Papua

Category: editorial September 10, 2019. Credit:


Digul River when calm. Passenger and cargo ships that are navigating the Digul river around Bade City, Edera District, Mappi Regency, Papua Province. The Digul River is the largest river in the southern region of Papua, the economic artery due to the traffic going back and forth to ships carrying goods needed by residents in the southern region of Papua. The Digul River also has its own story about the head of the current, which is when the tide goes into the Digul river and it occurs during the full moon. This tidal wave can reach a height of 12 meters and will submerge anything encountered, and ships of this size can also be sunk by the blows of the current head. -Jp / Nethy Dharma Somba / Adi / 19


Sungai Digul saat tenang. Kapal penumpang dan pengangkut barang yang sedang mengarungi sungai Digul di sekitar Kota Bade, Distrik Edera, kabupaten Mappi, Provinsi Papua. Sungai Digul adalah sungai terbesar di wilayah selatan papua, urat nadi perekonomian karena menjadi lalu lintas hilir mudiknya kapal yang mengangkut barang-barang kebutuhan warga d wilayah selatan Papua. Sungai Digul juga punya cerita tersendiri tentang kepala arus, yakni saat pasang air laut masuk ke sungai Digul dan itu terjadi saat bulan purnama. Gelombang pasang ini bisa mencapai ketinggian 12 meter dan akan menenggelamkan apa saja yang ditemui, dan kapal sebesar ini juga bisa tenggelam oleh hempasan kepala arus. -Jp/Nethy Dharma Somba/Adi/19


