
File: Festival Pesona Mentawai

Category: editorial September 23, 2019. Credit:


Sikerei (shaman from Siberut, Mentawai) Aman Lauklauk Salakirat assisted by Aman The phone was tattooing Ruslianus Sabelau, a woman from Tuapejat who volunteered to demonstrate how to carry traditional Mentawai traditional dances at the 2016 Mentawai Enchantment Festival in Mapadeggat, Sipora, Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, Wednesday (4/21) afternoon. Mentawai traditional tattoos with sugarcane juice mixed with soot charcoal which are stoned with needles are thought to be one of the oldest tattoo arts in the world whose expert makers and owners of tattoos are both starting to diminish. - JP / Syofiardi Bachyul Jb / Adi / 19


Sikerei (dukun dari Siberut, Mentawai) Aman Lauklauk Salakirat dibantu Aman Telepon sedang menato Ruslianus Sabelau, seorang perempuan warga Tuapejat yang menjadi sukarelawan untuk peragaan cara menato asli tradisional Mentawai di arena Festival Pesona Mentawai 2016 di Mapadeggat, Sipora, Kepulaua Mentawai, Sumatra Barat, Rabu (21/4) sore. Tato tradisional Mentawai dengan cairan air tebu dicampur arang jelaga yang dirajam dengan jarum diduga salah satu seni tato tertua di dunia yang ahli pembuat dan pemilik tatonya sama-sama mulai berkurang. - JP/Syofiardi Bachyul Jb/Adi/19


