
Seluruh Desa di Pulau Jawa Timur diterangi listrik

Category: editorial October 04, 2019. Credit: Wahyoe Boediwardhana


Suharmuk, 43, a resident of Jirek Mas Village, Cermee Subdistrict, Bondowoso Regency, is learning to operate a 900 VA PLN digital electricity meter, which was just installed in his house. Suharmuk is no longer worried when the night in his village will be dark, because the electricity network of the State Electricity Company (PLN) managed to flow electricity to the remote village, Tuesday (6/20). PT PLN stated that it succeeded in delivering electricity in the last two villages in East Java Island, with an investment of Rp 14 billion. This means that all villages in East Java Island have been successfully lit by electricity, and all that remains is to find a solution to illuminate the small islands that enter the Madura Islands region. - JP / Wahyoe Boediwardhana / Adi / 19


Suharmuk, 43, warga Desa Jirek Mas, Kecamatan Cermee, Kabupaten Bondowoso, tengah belajar mengoperasikan digital meter listrik PLN 900 VA, yang baru saja dipasang di rumahnya. Suharmuk kini tak lagi khawatir saat malam hari di desanya akan gelap, karena jaringan listrik Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) berhasil mengaliri listrik ke desa terpencil tersebut, Selasa (20/6). PT PLN menyatakan berhasil mengalirkan listrik di dua desa terakhir di Pulau Jawa Timur, dengan nilai investasi sebesar Rp 14 miliar. Ini berarti seluruh desa di Pulau Jawa Timur telah berhasil diterangi listrik, dan tinggal mencari solusi untuk menerangi pulau-pulau kecil yang masuk wilayah Kepulauan Madura. - JP/Wahyoe Boediwardhana/Adi/19


