
File: Petani Tembakau Korban Gunung Raung Menunggu Bantuan Pemerintah

Category: editorial October 07, 2019. Credit:


Some sorting workers are sorting out the Vor Oogst tobacco leaves of the Kasturi type which are exposed to the eruption of Mount Raung volcanic ash, in Sumber Pinang Village, Pakusari District, Jember Regency, Saturday (19/9). Tens of thousands of tobacco farmers owning more than 4,900 hectares of tobacco farming land in the Jember region, experienced crop failures due to the natural disaster of the eruption of Mount Raung last July. In addition to selling prices plummeting because manufacturers are not willing to buy their tobacco harvest, the farmers also complained about not having received any assistance from the East Java Provincial Government due to natural disasters that caused tobacco farming losses of more than Rp 200 billion. -JP / Wahyoe Boediwardhana / Adi / 19


Beberapa buruh sortasi tengah memilah daun tembakau Vor Oogst jenis Kasturi yang terpapar debu vulkanik erupsi Gunung Raung, di Desa Sumber Pinang, Kecamatan Pakusari, Kabupaten Jember, Sabtu (19/9). Puluhan ribu petani tembakau pemilik lebih dari 4.900 hektar lahan pertanian tembakau di wilayah Jember, mengalami gagal panen akibat bencana alam erupsi Gunung Raung bulan Juli lalu. Selain harga jual anjlok tajam karena pabrikan tidak bersedia membeli panenan tembakau mereka, para petani juga mengeluhkan belum mendapat bantuan apapun dari Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur akibat bencana alam yang menimbulkan kerugian pertanian tembakau lebih dari Rp 200 miliar ini. -JP/Wahyoe Boediwardhana/Adi/19


