
File: PT PAL Aktif Garap Project Untuk Peningkatan Produksi Migas Nasional

Category: editorial October 07, 2019. Credit:


The KM Pagerungan tanker transporting LNG weighing 17,500 DWT, was being prepared at the Semarang PT PAL Indonesia dockyard on Wednesday (30/4), before undergoing a sea trial and handed over to PT Pertamina's customers in June 2014. Regarding the active role in supporting the increase in national energy production, This government-owned shipyard receives many orders for the manufacture of facilities related to oil and gas. Among them, the construction of two LNG carrier tankers from PT Pertamina weighed 17,500 DWT each, valued at USD 49.3 million. PT PAL is also currently working on the Madura BD Well Head Platform (WHP) project, an order from Huskey-CNOOC Madura Limited for offshore platforms, valued at USD 126 million. This project will explore natural gas in the Madura Strait of 110 mmscf per day, to meet the gas needs of the Grati gas power plant in Pasuruan Regency. General Engineering Division, the Commercial Ship Division and the Warship Division, are now focused as the spearhead of the business development of PT PAL Indonesia.-JP / Wahyoe Boediwardhana / Adi / 19


Kapal tanker KM Pagerungan pengangkut LNG berbobot 17.500 DWT, tengah disiapkan di Semarang dockyard PT PAL Indonesia, Rabu (30/4), sebelum menjalani sea trial dan diserahkan kepada pemesan PT Pertamina pada bulan Juni 2014. Terkait peran aktif mendukung peningkatan produksi energi nasional, galangan kapal milik pemerintah ini banyak menerima order pembuatan sarana berkaitan dengan migas. Diantaranya, pembangunan dua unit kapal tanker pengangkut LNG dari PT Pertamina berbobot masing-masing 17.500 DWT, senilai USD 49,3 juta. PT PAL kini juga tengah mengerjakan project Well Head Platform (WHP) Madura BD, pesanan Huskey-CNOOC Madura Limited untuk anjungan lepas pantai, senilai senilai USD 126 juta. Project ini akan mengeksplorasi gas bumi di Selat Madura sebesar 110 mmscf per day, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gas PLTG Grati, Kabupaten Pasuruan.Divisi General Engineering, Divisi Kapal Niaga dan Divisi Kapal Perang, kini difokuskan sebagai ujung tombak pengembangan bisnis PT PAL Indonesia.-JP/Wahyoe Boediwardhana/Adi/19


