
File: Nico Harjanto

Category: editorial October 21, 2019. Credit: Vincentius Jerry Adiguna Caswara


A political observer from the Rajawali Institute, Nico Harjanto, gave a presentation and review of the mechanism of regulating campaign funds and elections in Indonesia during the "Limiting Campaign Spending" discussion at Bakoel Coffe, Jakarta, Sunday, March 18, 2012. The discussion highlighted the increasing costs of campaigns and practices funding practices that are vulnerable to the practice of campaign finance from illegal financial sources and are full of political debt in Indonesia so far. - JP / Jerry Adiguna / Adi / 19


Pengamat politik dari Rajawali Institute, Nico Harjanto, memberikan paparan dan review tentang mekanisme pengaturan dana kampanye dan pemilu di Indonesia saat diskusi "Membatasi Belanja Kampanye" di Bakoel Coffe, Jakarta, Minggu, 18 Maret 2012. Diskusi tersebut menyoroti semakin meningkatnya biaya kampanye dan praktek-praktek pendanaan yang rentan dengan praktek-praktek pembiayaan kampanye dari sumber-sumber dana illegal serta sarat akan hutang politik di Indonesia selama ini. - JP/ Jerry Adiguna/Adi/19


