
File: Food Security Summit

Category: editorial October 30, 2019. Credit: Pujianto Johan Leo


Various ways to plant crops were demonstrated at the Jakarta Food Security Summit at the Jakarta Convention Center (Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012) which will last until 10 February. In facing food needs that continue to increase with the growth of world population and increase in income where according to calculations of food organizations and world agriculture world food production must increase 70% of current production while the availability of world agricultural land does not increase. Therefore it takes strategic steps to anticipate food shortages which can befall in other countries or countries of the world. A number of private companies have played a role in developing the agribusiness, food and livestock sectors related to the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development. -JP / P.J.Leo / Adi / 19


Berbagai cara menanam tanaman diperagakan di acara Jakarta Food Security Summit di Jakarta Convention Center (Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012) yang akan berlangsung hingga 10 Februari. Dalam menghadapi kebutuhan pangan yang terus meningkat dengan pertumbuhan penduduk dunia dan pertambahan pendapatan dimana menurut perhitungan organisasi pangan dan dunia pertanian produksi pangan dunia harus naik 70% dari produksi saat ini sedangkan ketersediaan lahan pertanian dunia tidak bertambah.Karena itu dibutuhkan langkah strategis untuk mengantisipasi kekurangan pangan yang dapat menimpa dalam negeri atau negara lain di dunia. Sejumlah perusahaan swasta turut berperan dalam mengembangkan sektor agribisnis, pangan dan peternakan terkait Rencana Induk Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia. -JP/P.J.Leo/Adi/19


