
Disaster safe simulation

Category: editorial November 06, 2019. Credit: Aman Rochman


A number of elementary school students take shelter under the table, when an earthquake occurred during the Dissemination and Simulation of Disaster Safe Education Unit (SPAB) from BPBD in SD 1 Penagungan, Malang City, East Java, Wednesday (6/11/2019) the activity was filled with the installation of a gathering point board and rectification of directions to the safe point of the BPBD, as well as materials and natural disaster mitigation simulations. As an effort to reduce disaster risk and educate students, and teachers understand the importance of disaster mitigation. JP / Aman Rochman / Adi / 19


Sejumlah siswa SD berlindung di bawah meja, saat terjadi bencana gempa bumi pada Sosialisasi dan simulasi satuan pendidikan Aman Bencana (SPAB) dari BPBD di SD 1 Penagungan, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Rabu (6/11/2019) kegiatan tersebut diisi pemasangan papan titik kumpul dan pembetulan arah menuju titik aman dari BPBD, serta materi dan simulasi mitiggasi bencana alam. Sebagai upanya pengurangan resiko bencana dan mendidik siswa, serta guru memahami pentinganya mitigasi bencana. JP/ Aman Rochman/Adi/19


