
Desa Binaan BCA Bukit Peramun Belitung

Category: editorial November 09, 2019. Credit: Wendra Ajistyatama


(L to R) Head of BCA Tanjung Pandan Rustam Branch Office, Person in charge of Bukit Peramun Fostered Village Adie Darmawan, BCA Executive Vice President Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Inge Setiawati, and BCA Executive Secretariat & Corporate Communication Executive Vice President Here F Haryn spoke during a visit to BCA fostered village, Bukit Peramun, Belitung, Saturday, 9/11/2019. Desa Peramun is now known as a digital-based village because the success of the village administration has applied the QR Code system to the types and benefits of plants in Peramun Hill and virtual guides in two languages (Indonesian and English). - JP / Wendra Ajistyatama / Adi / 19


(L to R) Kepala Kantor Cabang BCA Tanjung Pandan Rustam, Penanggungjawab Desa Binaan Bukit Peramun Adie Darmawan, Executive Vice President Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) BCA Inge Setiawati, dan Executive Vice President Secretariat & Corporate Communication BCA Here F Haryn berbincang saat kunjungan ke desa binaan BCA, Bukit Peramun, Belitung, Sabtu, 9/11/2019. Desa Peramun kini dikenal dengan desa berbasis digital karena keberhasilan pengurus desa mengaplikasikan sitem QR Code pada jenis dan manfaat tanaman di bukit Peramun dan virtual guide dalam dua bahasa (Indonesia dan Inggris). - JP/Wendra Ajistyatama /Adi/19


