
Pabrik Tahu

Category: editorial November 12, 2019. Credit:


Tofu making activity in one of the tofu factories from 11 Tahu factories in Kampung Bulak, Depok - West Java (Tuesday, 12 November 2019). Tofu factory owners and workers in Kampung Bulak began to be confused about the eviction of their place of business which would become the campus of the International Islamic University of Indonesia. The problem is, the issue is that they don't get compensation while they spend a lot of money to build their own tofu-making place. Herman, one of the owners of the manufacture of Tahud with 33 workers, said that his tofu-making site has 3 bore-wells which only cost around 75 million because the production of Tofu requires a lot of water. "If we were told to move, we should have provided well bore water and also buildings. If we only moved without assistance, we would definitely come up short and we must be poor because our debts did not pay off when we built this tofu-making place," Herman added. - JP / P.J.Leo / Adi / 19


Kegiatan pembuatan tahu di salah satu pabrik tahu dari 11 pabrik Tahu di Kampung Bulak, Depok - Jawa Barat (Selasa, 12 November 2019). Pemilik dan pekerja pabrik Tahu di Kampung Bulak mulai kebingungan akan digusurnya tempat usaha mereka yang akan dijadikan kampus Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia. Masalahnya, isunya mereka tidak mendapat ganti rugi sedangkan mereka mengeluarkan biaya cukup banyak membangun tempat pembuatan Tahu milik mereka. Herman, salah seorang pemilik pembuatan Tahudengan 33 pekerja,n mengatakan bahwa tempat pembuatan Tahu miliknya ada 3 titik sumur bor yang pembuatannya saja dengan biaya hampir 75 juta karena pembuatan Tahu memerlukan banyak air. "Jika kami disuruh pindah, harusnya ditempat baru sudah disediakan air sumur bor dan juga bangunan. Jika hanya pindah tanpa dibantu ya pasti kami tekor dan pastinta kami jatuh miskin karena hutang saja belum lunas saat bangun tempat pembuatan Tahu ini," tambah Herman. - JP/P.J.Leo/leo/19


