
File: uang Mata asing di Bank Mandiri

Category: editorial November 15, 2019. Credit: R. Berto Wedhatama


Customers make a deposit and exchange transaction in a foreign currency at one of the Bank Mandiri branch offices, Friday (9/8). A total of 305 Bank Mandiri branch networks throughout Indonesia continued to operate in rotation during the 2013 Lebaran holiday season to provide limited services and payment of fuel / non-fuel deposits by gas stations. In the period of public holidays and Eid holidays 5-9 August 2013, deposits of BBM / non-BBM made through 305 Mandiri branches reached Rp265 billion. - JP / R. Berto Wedhatama / Adi / 19


Nasabah melakukan transaksi setoran dan penukaran mata uanga asing di salah satu kantor cabang Bank Mandiri, Jumat (9/8). Sebanyak 305 jaringan cabang Bank Mandiri di seluruh Indonesia tetap beroperasi secara bergiliran pada musim libur Lebaran 2013 untuk memberikan layanan terbatas serta pembayaran setoran BBM/non BBM oleh SPBU-SPBU. Pada periode libur bersama dan libur lebaran 5-9 agustus 2013, setoran BBM/non BBM yang dilakukan melalui 305 cabang Mandiri mencapai Rp265 milyar. - JP/R. Berto Wedhatama/Adi/19


