
Gerakan Nasional Pemulihan DAS

Category: editorial December 05, 2019. Credit: Aman rochman


Residents around the Mount Panderman forest manage fruit and medicinal plants, during the peak activity of the 2019 National River Basin Recovery Movement (GNPDAS) in the conservation and education model area (AMKE) in the Ombo oro-oro village, Batu City, East Java, thursday (12/5/2019). The activity is aimed at empowering communities around forests and rivers by involving the campus world to foster the creative economy of its people. Impact on reducing the risk of watershed damage from downstream to upstream. - JP / Aman Rochman / Adi / 19


Warga sekitar hutan Gunung Panderman mengelola pembitan tanaman buah-buahan dan obat, saat kegiatan puncak Gerakan Nasional Pemulihan Daerah Aliran Sungai (GNPDAS) tahun 2019 di areal model konservasi dan edukasi (AMKE) di desa oro-oro Ombo, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur, kamis (5/12/2019). Kegiatan tersebut bertujuan meperdayakan masyarakat sekitar hutan dan sungai dengan melibatkan dunia kampus untuk menumbuhkan ekonomi kreatif masyarakatnya. Berdampak pada mengurangi resiko kerusakan DAS dari hilir sampai ke hulu.- JP/ Aman Rochman/Adi/19


