
Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BATAN)

Category: editorial February 28, 2020. Credit: Seto Wardhana


Officers of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) cross in front of the Radioactive Waste storage room at the BATAN office, Puspitek, Serpong, South Tangerang. Until now (day 13) the clean up process has taken soil and vegetation indicated as much as 400 drums of radioactive material and submitted to the Radioactive Waste Technology Center to be managed and stored in storage areas while radioactive waste with radiation exposure has decreased to 2 micro Sievert per hour. - JP / Seto Wardhana / Adi / 20


Petugas Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BATAN) melintas di depan ruang penyimpanan Limbah Radioaktif di kantor BATAN, Puspitek, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan. Hingga saat ini (hari ke-13) proses clean up telah mengambil tanah dan vegetasi yang diindikasikan terpapar zat radioaktif sebanyak 400 drum dan diserahkan ke Pusat Teknologi Limbah Radioaktif untuk dikelola dan disimpan di tempat penyimpanan sementara limbah radioaktif dengan Paparan radiasi telah menurun hingga 2 mikro Sievert per jam.- JP/Seto Wardhana/Adi/20


