
Kebakaran Ban Bekas

Category: editorial May 02, 2021. Credit: !@


Bogor District Damkar Officers continue to strive to extinguish all hotspots at the fire site, tens of tons of used tire waste in Bojongnangka, Gunung Putri - Bogor (Wednesday, April 28, 2021). This fire was caused by a lightning strike on a tree, then the fire spread to a pile of used tires on Monday, 19 April 2021. As of this Wednesday, the Damkar has spent hundreds of thousands of cubic feet of water for blackouts at the site of used tires. - JP / P.J.LEO


Petugas Damkar Kabupaten Bogor, terus berupaya mematikan semua titik api di lokasi kebakaran puluhan ton limbah ban bekas di Bojongnangka, Gunung Putri - Bogor (Rabu, 28 April 2021). Kebakaran ini akibat sambaran petir pada pohon, kemudian apinya merambat ke tumpukan ban bekas pada Senin, 19 April 2021 lalu. Hingga hari Rabu ini, Damkar sudah menghabiskan ratusan ribu kubik air untuk pemadaman di lokasi penumpukan ban bekas. - JP/P.J.LEO


