
File: Sungai Digul di Papua

Category: editorial September 10, 2019. Credit:


Ships on the Digul River. The ship belonging to ASDP (river and crossing transportation) is anchored at Didul River in Bade Edera District, Mappu Regency, Papua Province. The ship was carrying passengers and goods to Bade, but could not dock because there was not yet an adequate pier. At present the Central Government through the Ministry of Transportation is building a 5000 ton regional berth. The large ship docked while a small boat approached it to transport goods and passengers who would get off at Bade. -JP / Nethy Dharma Somba / Adi / 19


Kapal di Sungai Digul. Kapal milik ASDP (angkutan sungai dan penyeberangan) sedang berlabuh di Sungai Didul di Bade Distrik Edera, Kabupaten Mappu Propinsi Papua. Kapal tersebut mengangkut penumpang dan barang ke Bade, namun tidak bisa sandar karena belum tersedianya dermaga yang memadai. Saat ini Pemerintah Pusat melalui Kementrian Perhubungan sedang membanguan dermaga regional berkapasitas 5000 ton. Kapal besar tersebut berlabuh sedangkan perahu kecil menghampirinya untuk mengangkut barang dan penumpang yang akan turun di Bade. -JP/Nethy Dharma Somba/Adi/19


