HS Dillon Wafat di Bali
Category: editorial September 17, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
A number of prayers before the military ceremony handed over the body of the National figure HS Dillon from the government to the family at the Funeral Home RSAD Denpasar Tuesday 17/09/2019. A number of relatives prayed together beside the body of HS Dillon at the funeral home of the Denpasar Hospital on Tuesday 17/09/2019. HS Dillon died in Bali due to a complication which he suffered on 16/09/2019. JP / Zul Trio Anggono / Adi / 19
Sejumlah melakukan doa sebelum upacara militer penyerahan jenasah tokoh Nasional HS Dillon dari pemerintah ke pihak keluarga di Rumah Duka RSAD Denpasar Selasa 17/09/2019. Sejumlah kerabat berdoa bersama di samping jenazah HS Dillon di rumah duka RSAD Denpasar Selasa 17/09/2019. HS Dillon meninggal dunia di Bali akibat sakit komplikasi yang ia derita pada 16/09/2019 .- JP/Zul Trio Anggono/Adi/19