
File: Korupsi di Pengurusan Surat Persetujuan Pemanfaatan Ruang (SPPR) di Bandung

Category: editorial September 17, 2019. Credit: Arya Dipa


Former Karawang Regent Ade Swara (left) and his wife Nur Latifah heard the judge's verdict in the case of abuse of authority in the management of the Spatial Use Approval Letter (SPPR) on behalf of PT Tatar Kertabumi in the Bandung Corruption Court, Wednesday (15/4). The panel of judges sentenced Ade to 6 years and a fine of Rp.400 million, while his wife was sentenced to 5 years in prison and a fine of Rp.300 million and confiscated dozens of assets belonging to both because they were proven to have been obtained from the proceeds of corruption. - JP / Arya Dipa / Adi / 19


Mantan Bupati Karawang Ade Swara (kiri) dan istrinya Nur Latifah mendengarkan vonis hakim dalam sidang kasus penyalahgunaan wewenang dalam pengurusan Surat Persetujuan Pemanfaatan Ruang (SPPR) atas nama PT Tatar Kertabumi di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Bandung, Rabu (15/4). Majelis hakim menjatuhkan vonis 6 tahun penjara serta denda Rp400 juta kepada Ade, sementara untuk istrinya 5 tahun penjara dan denda Rp300 juta serta menyita puluhan aset milik keduanya karena terbukti diperoleh dari uang hasil korupsi. - JP/Arya Dipa/Adi/19


