File: Pameran Produk Plastik dan Karet
Category: editorial November 05, 2019. Credit: R. Berto WedhatamaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Visitors look at tire products from various brands on display at the exhibition of plastic and rubber products in the exhibition area of the Ministry of Industry building. This exhibition will last until 13 September 2013. -JP / R. Berto Wedhatama / Adi / 19
Pengunjung melihat-lihat produk ban dari berbagai merk yang dipamerkan di ajang pameran produk plastik dan karet di area pameran gedung kementrian perindustrian. Pameran ini akan berlangsung sampai 13 Sept 2013. -JP/R. Berto Wedhatama/Adi/19