File: Online Trading Mandiri Sekuritas
Category: editorial November 28, 2019. Credit: NurhayatiDESCRIPTION (EN)
A woman sees a stock trading transaction when launching Mandiri Securities Online Trading in Jakarta, Tuesday (9/27). In the initial stages, Mandiri Sekuritas targets to reach 10 thousand new customers by the end of December 2011, with a daily transaction volume of Rp. 15 to 20 billion per day. -JP / Nurhayati / Adi / 19
Seorang wanita melihat transaksi perdagangan saham pada saat launching Online Trading Mandiri Sekuritas di Jakarta, Selasa (27/9). Di tahap awal Mandiri Sekuritas menargetkan bisa meraih 10 ribu nasabah baru hingga akhir Desember 2011, dengan volume transaksi harian Rp. 15 sampai 20 miliar perhari.-JP/Nurhayati/Adi/19