
File: Muhammadiyah Tolak RUU Ormas

Category: editorial December 20, 2019. Credit: Jerry Adiguna


Muhammadiyah and student associations chanted slogans while carrying banners and posters while participating in a joint protest against the Civil Society Bill in front of the MPR / DPR-RI complex, Jakarta, Friday, April 12, 2013. In a speech delivered by a number of figures and teaching staff of educational institutions Muhammadiyah in the action, the participants demanded that the House of Representatives reject the ratification of the Mass Organization Bill which is considered to be a ruling tool to curb freedom of association in the Indonesian democratic order. -JP / Jerry Adiguna / Adi / 19


Gabungan pelajar dan mahasiswa Muhammadiyah meneriakkan yel-yel sembari mengusung spanduk dan poster saat mengikuti aksi gabungan menolak RUU Ormas di depan komples MPR/DPR-RI, Jakarta, Jumat, 12 April 2013. Dalam orasi yang disampaikan oleh sejumlah tokoh dan staff pengajar institusi pendidikan Muhammadiyah pada aksi tersebut, peserta aksi menuntut agar DPR menolak pengesahan RUU Ormas yang dianggap menjadi alat penguasa untuk memasung kebebasan berserikat dalam tatanan demokrasi Indonesia. -JP / Jerry Adiguna /Adi/19


