File: Kartu Debit
Category: editorial February 11, 2020. Credit: David CaessarreDESCRIPTION (EN)
Bank Mandiri employees are observing the process of printing the E Para card for the Asian Para Games edition at the Bank Mandiri Card Production Unit at the Mandiri Center RP Soeroso, on October 3, 2018. Bank Mandiri prints a special edition emoney as a form of support for Asian Para Games athletes. -JP / David Caessarre / Adi / 20
Karyawan Bank Mandiri sedang mengamati proses pencetakan kartu E Money edisi Asian Para Games di Unit Produksi Kartu Bank Mandiri di Sentra Mandiri RP Soeroso, pada 3 Oktober 2018. Bank Mandiri mencetak emoney edisi khusus sebagai bentuk dukungannya terhadap para atlet Asian Para Games. -JP/ David Caessarre/adi/20