Java Jazz Festival 2020
Category: editorial February 26, 2020. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
BMW Indonesia Vice President Sales Bayu Riyanto (right) together with PT Java Festival Production President Director Dewi Gontha talked during the handover of the BMW 530i M Sport key in Jakarta, Wednesday (2/26/2020). BMW Indonesia has officially become a Transportation Partner in the Jakarta International BNI Java Jazz Festival 2020 which will be used by world-class musicians such as The Jacksons, Omar Apollo, Bruno Major and several other selected artists. -JP / Dhoni Setiawan / Adi / 20
Vice President Sales BMW Indonesia Bayu Riyanto (kanan) bersama President Director PT Java Festival Production Dewi Gontha berbincang saat serah terima kunci BMW 530i M Sport di Jakarta, Rabu (26/2/2020). BMW Indonesia secara resmi menjadi Partner Transportasi dalam Jakarta International BNI Java Jazz Festival 2020 yang akan digunakan oleh musisi kelas dunia seperti The Jacksons, Omar Apollo, Bruno Major dan beberapa artis pilihan lainnya. -JP/Dhoni Setiawan/Adi/20