Bisnis Tanaman Hias
Category: editorial May 06, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Herman and an employee are waiting for buyers of plants in the area of JL Baru Duren Jaya, Bekasi City on Wednesday May 06. 2020. His ornamental plant business and garden equipment are not so affected by the covid-19 pandemic. Per day his kiosk can earn Rp. 100,000 or more the same as when there was no coronavirus outbreak. Bekasi City has begun to carry out further large-scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) until May 21, 2020.-JP / Adi Purnama Yulistiawan / Adi / 20
Herman dan seorang karyawannya sedang menunggu pembeli tanaman hias di Kawasan JL Baru Duren Jaya Kota Bekasi (06/05/20). Bisnis tanaman hias dan perlengkapan taman miliknya tak begitu terkena dampak pandemi covid-19. Perhari kios miliknya bisa memberi penghasilan RP 100.000 atau lebih sama seperti ketika belum ada wabah coronavirus. Kota Bekasi mulai melakukan Pembatasan Sosial Sekala Besar (PSBB) lanjutan sampai dengan tanggal 21 Mei 2020.-JP/Adi Purnama Yulistiawan/Adi/20