Renovasi Gedung Sarinah
Category: editorial October 19, 2020. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
Traffic flows in front of the renovation project for the Sarinah shopping center building located on Jalan M.H. Thamrin, Jakarta, Monday (19/10/2020). The renovation of the building, which will serve as a platform for the country's creative industry, will cost up to Rp. 700 billion and is targeted for completion on August 17, 2021, or precisely on Sarinah's 59th anniversary. - JP / Dhoni Setiwan / vja / 20
Arus lalu lintas di depan proyek renovasi gedung pusat perbelanjaan Sarinah yang berlokasi di Jalan M.H. Thamrin, Jakarta, Senin (19/10/2020). Renovasi gedung yang akan menjadi wadah industri kreatif tanah air tersebut memakan biaya hingga Rp700 miliar dan ditargetkan selesai pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2021, atau tepat di hari jadi ke-59 Sarinah. - JP/Dhoni Setiwan/vja/20