Trophy Treble Tour Manchester City to Indonesia
Category: editorial September 30, 2023. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Manchester City football club fans in Indonesia take photos with the Mascot and the 4 trophies won by Manchester City, during the Trophy Treble Tour, at the Imperium Kuningan Tower, Jakarta, Saturday (30/9/2023). During the 2022/2023 football season, Manchester City managed to win 4 trophies, namely the Premier League, FA Cup, UEFA Champions League and UEFA Super Cup. The four trophies were exhibited in a number of countries, including Indonesia. Manchester City's Treble Trophy Tour in Indonesia is the fourth after Greece, China and India. The series of tour events, apart from the trophy exhibition, also included a coaching clinic, and ended with a highlight of the Manchester City vs Wolverhampton Wanderers match. (Courtesy of Manchester City Indonesia)
Para penggemar klab sepakbola Manchester City di Indonesia berfoto bersama Maskot dan 4 piala yang diraih Manchester City, saat Trophy Treble Tour, di Menara Imperium Kuningan, Jakarta, Sabtu (30/9/2023). Selama musim kompetisi sepakbola 2022/2023, Manchester City berhasil meraih 4 piala yakni Premier League, FA Cup, UEFA Champions League, dan UEFA Super Cup. Keempat piala itu dipamerkan ke sejumlah negara termasuk Indonesia. Tur Trofi Treble Manchester City di Indonesia adalah yang keempat setelah Yunani, China, dan India. Rangkain acara tur, selain pameran piala, juga coaching clinic, dan diakhiri dengan nobar pertandingan Manchester City vs Wolverhampton Wanderers. (Courtesy of Manchester City Indonesia)