Get ready to hit the Gledek Price! tiket.com Holds OTW for Next Level End of Year Holidays
Category: editorial October 24, 2023. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer of tiket.com Gaery Undarsa (left) and SVP of Brand Marketing, tiket.com Maria Risa Puspitasari during a press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday, 24/10/2023. Approaching the year-end holiday moment, tiket.com is here with a sensational Online Tiket Week (OTW) discount program which will take place starting tomorrow 25 October 2023. OTW is back with Gledek Prices which offers discounts of up to 50% + 20% specifically at 17:00 - 21:00 WIB, through this opportunity, people can enjoy best deals for all travel needs, from transportation, accommodation, to tourist attractions, both domestic and international. (Courtesy of tiket.com)
Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer tiket.com Gaery Undarsa (kiri) dan SVP of Brand Marketing, tiket.com Maria Risa Puspitasari saat konferensi pers di Jakarta, Selasa, 24/10/2023. Menjelang momen liburan akhir tahun, tiket.com hadir dengan program diskon sensasional Online Tiket Week (OTW) yang akan berlangsung mulai besok tanggal 25 Oktober 2023. OTW kembali dengan Harga Gledek yang menawarkan diskon hingga 50% + 20% khusus pada pukul 17:00 - 21:00 WIB, lewat kesempatan ini, masyarakat dapat menikmati best deals untuk seluruh kebutuhan bepergian, mulai dari transportasi, akomodasi, hingga atraksi wisata, baik domestik maupun internasional. (Courtesy of tiket.com)